Tag Archives: #dad

I am empty


My heart is a whole lot emptier these days. One month today my father passed away tragically in an accident and I still cannot believe the reality. I expect him to come walking around the corner or burst through the door or offer advice on something I am needing help with.

It is difficult to explain the feelings of losing a loved one so tragically, so suddenly, so unexpected. The only way I can describe how I feel is empty, a physical emptiness that I can feel inside.

While my whole world seems to be falling apart; the world keeps going on around me, almost making it harder.

One month ago I lost a big part of me that will never come back. Although time will ease the pain and fond memories will remain in my mind and heart, the big piece of me will forever be lost.

I have found comfort in the family, friends and strangers that have reached out and touched my heart in some way or another. Flowers, cards, food, messages, prayers, letters and visits have warmed my heart.

I miss you dad; forever in my thoughts and heart.